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Buyer's Market
Timothy Zahn
Buyer's Market
Cover Artist: Unknown
Looking for resources to begin his next great venture, Lando Calrissian visits a large junkyard in Vorrnti City. Blackie, the owner, emerges to meet him, followed closely by a man who introduces himself as Cravel. After some back and forth where Lando decides he doesn`t trust Cravel, they enter the junkyard to look around. After some time, they come across what Lando is looking for, an AT-AT, and Lando masks his interest by purchasing two dilapidated Huttese marsh crawlers. As the first crawler is being towed out of the yard, Lando disables the tow vehicle and claims he was shooting at a nasty looking rodent. With the entryway blocked, Lando then calls for assistance from Lieutenant Judder Page of the Katarn Commandos. Two days later, while Lando and Page watch, the AT-AT steps over the wall of the junkyard and attacks the customs building in a bid to steal the glitterstim that was being produced there. Page and Lando discuss what could motivate a crew to repair a non-functioning AT-AT in two days while Page's commandos infiltrate the criminal crew and relieve them of their ill-gotten gains. When Page asks Lando what he wants with a functioning AT-AT, Lando invites him to come to Nkllon in a few months and find out. As they part ways, Lando muses about where he will find 39 more functioning AT-ATs.