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Claws Of the Dragon
John Ostrander
Claws Of the Dragon
Pencils: Jan Duursema
Inks: Dan Parsons
Colors: Brad Anderson
Letters: Michael Heisler
Cover Artist: Travis Charest
In order to follow through on his promise that no one else will die for him, Cade Skywalker has gone to Coruscant to sneak into the Sith Temple, rescue Hosk Trey'lis and escape. He manages to avoid an elite Imperial fighter squadron, infiltrate the Temple and rescue Hosk, but as they attempt to sneak back out they are found by Darth Talon and Darth Nihl. They are captured and brought before Darth Krayt, who attempts to break Cade. When he is unsuccessful, he has Darth Maladi bring in Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, who have been infected with mutant, fast-acting, Yuuzhan Vong coral seeds. Faced with letting his friends die or revealing his talent for healing, he heals his friends. He agrees to join Krayt as long as his friends are freed, and Krayt agrees, eventually revealing that he was once the Jedi Knight A'sharad Hett. Elsewhere on Coruscant, Syn, Blue, Morrigan Corde and a couple others organize a rescue for Cade while Krayt shares some of his past. He tells about Order 66 and how he escaped and returned to Tatooine to take up his father's place as a Tusken warlord but was eventually confronted by Obi Wan Kenobi, defeated and sent into exile. Cade agrees to be taught in the ways of the Dark Side as the Imperials search Ossus for any hidden Jedi. Over the next several weeks, as his friends prepare his rescue, Cade learns more about the Sith and how Darth Krayt became a Sith. While he was still A'sharad Hett, he became a bounty hunter and ended up on Korriban where he found the Holocron of Darth Xoxaan and agreed to learn more about being Sith. As he left Korriban, he learned of the fall of the Empire, and so he left for the Unknown Regions where he was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. While their prisoner, he encountered Vergere and was implanted with specialized coral seeds that. He had a vision of the Sith Order under his command, and when he finally escaped he returned to Korriban to complete his training as a Sith. Decades later, the Yuuzhan Vong implants threaten to take over his body, so he needs Cade to help heal him. Finally having enough Cade decides it's time to leave but is caught. Faced with the ultimatum of joining the Sith or dying, he watches Hosk Trey'lis die before he takes his father's lightsaber and fights back. He quickly beats Darth Talon and Darth Nihl before confronting Darth Krayt as his friends approach. Morrigan Corde vacates the Mynock and blasts open Krayt's window, allowing Cade to jump to freedom and be picked up as the Mynock makes it's escape. Cade vows to find Corde and get some answers, now that he has learned she is his mother. Back at the Imperial palace, Moff Nyna Calixte looks at a hologram of Kol Skywalker and Corde holding baby Cade, and suggests he run.
Claws Of the Dragon Claws Of the Dragon Claws Of the Dragon Claws Of the Dragon Claws Of the Dragon