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Fate Of the Jedi: Allies
Christie Golden
Fate Of the Jedi: Allies
Cover Artist: Ian Keltie
Above Dathomir, the Jade Shadow is surrounded by a fleet of Sith ships led by High Lord Sarasu Taalon. Taalon convinces Luke that they need to work with him as they go back to the Maw to face Abeloth by explaining that the Sith apprentices are suffering the same fate as the Jedi Knights. After the two decide to work together, Luke allows Vestara Khai's father, Gavar, to board and see his daughter who will remain with the Jedi. While speaking in Keshiri, Gavar explains that this plan of Taalon's is a ruse to help them capture and use Abeloth rather than stop her. Luke decides that in order to return to Sinkhole Station and Abeloth's world safely, he will need the use of one of Lando's ships, called the Rockhound. They agree to meet at Klatooine and proceed the remainder of the way together. On Coruscant, Tahiri Veila is provided with a new lawyer named Eramuth Bwua'tu who promises to do everything in his power to get her a not guilty verdict, which includes persuading the jury that she is a sympathetic victim. Chief of State Daala, chafing at being refused by the Jedi, decides to increase the stakes and place the Jedi temple under siege by a force of Mandalorians. When the Jedi Masters send out an apprentice to attempt to open negotiations with the Mandalorians, she is murdered out of hand by the leader of the force, and when Jaina Solo is unable to get help from Jagged Fel, she calls off the engagement and leaves to offer assistance to her uncle. On Klatooine, Dyon Stadd is suddenly afflicted by the same malady that the Jedi Knights are suffering from and flees. He is stopped by Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai before he can defile the Klatooinian holy place, the Fountain of the Hutt Ancients, and Luke decides it's time to leave before anything else happens. Leaving two Sith ships behind to inform Lando of the change in plans they set out for the Maw. While the Sith wait for Lando, one of the ships is sent to the surface to steal pieces of the Fountain, causing the 25,000 year old Treaty Of Vontor to be ended, resulting in the Klatooinian slaves to rise up against their Hutt masters. When Lando and Jaina arrive at Klatooine, they are recruited to pass judgement on the Sith which results in the execution of the Sith who desecrated the fountain, before continuing to meet Luke and the Sith at the Maw. Entering the Maw, they find Sinkhole Station to be destroyed and so descend on the planet to find Abeloth. Luke and several of the Sith enter the place known as Beyond Shadows to try and find Abeloth, and Luke discovers that the female presence he had been feeling was not Mara Jade, and so they return to their bodies to hunt Abeloth down. As Luke awakes, Dyon makes his escape to find Abeloth, not knowing he has a tracking beacon that allows himself to be followed. He finds Abeloth, who begins to devour his life essence, only to be interrupted by the arrival of the Jedi and Sith. They track her down a tunnel where they finally confront her and Luke learns that his once beloved Callista was killed by Abeloth when Abeloth assumes Callista's form. In the ensuing battle, the Sith turn on Luke and Ben, and try to capture Abeloth instead, but she escapes back up the tunnel and stops to finish with Dyon before she is killed by Luke. The Sith and Jedi agree to continue the alliance long enough to learn what they can about Abeloth, and decide to send most of their support forces back. On Coruscant, Cilghal is amazed to see the sick Jedi returning to their previous selves, Admiral Nek Bwua'tu is attacked and seriously injured by Jedi imposters, and a recording of Gilad Pellaeon's last few minutes turns up, apparently destroying any chance Tahiri has of a favourable outcome in her trial.